Developed by: Friendbuy
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Friendbuy is a SaaS platform powering referral and loyalty programs for the world’s most recognizable ecommerce companies. Our clients include disruptors such as Casper, Outdoor Voices, FIGS, AWAY and Princess Polly, as well as global Fortune 100s such as Walmart, Intuit, Disney and Nestle. Friendbuy is a technology-first company, enabling brands to scale efficiently and deepen customer loyalty. Our mission is to empower growth marketers through innovation.
You can now automatically reward customers with Recharge discounts or free products as part of your Referral or Loyalty programs. That means it's easy and scalable for you to incentivize customers to take the actions most valuable to your business, such as referring their friends and family or being an active subscriber for a certain amount of time.
Friendbuy can now track subscription created and renewal events, to allow customers to earn additional rewards for subscribing and renewing their subscriptions.