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Fairing brings speed & scale to survey data. Ground truth for attribution, personalization, CRO and more, with 50%+ response rates. 14-day free trial.

About Fairing

Fairing uses post-purchase surveys to deliver proprietary, direct-from-consumer data to your marketing stack, integrating and automating consumer response data to produce an always-on stream of insights. It's ground truth, constantly nudging every connected tool in your organization toward customer lifetime value.

We generate more consumer responses in a week than most traditional survey platforms do in a year. Relied on by over 1,000 Shopify Plus brands, and named "the last Shopify app we'd uninstall" by a Top 10 VC's portfolio of DTC brands.

Our question analytics dashboard is our source of truth for all of our marketing endeavors. We'd be lost without it.
Lindsey Johnson, Co-Founder at Weezie

Use cases

  • Attribution

    Light up dark traffic, get unbiased attribution, and discover emerging channels with a post-purchase survey that typically generates >20% improvement in attribution.

  • Personalization

    Tell your marketing stack what it needs to hear, with customers happily self-segmenting for any personalization criteria you can dream up.

  • CRO

    Seal the cracks in your user experience, and ensure shoppers have found what they’re looking for before they abandon your brand. Think of it as everyone's personal shopping assistant.

  • Competitor Research

    Find out which brand you're winning the most business from, and pivot it against AOV, attribution, lifestyle, use case, and more to strengthen your approach to market.